Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
Peer Review
Publication Charges
The Journal of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Pakistan (JSOGP) is a peer reviewed journal and agrees to accept manuscripts prepared in accordance with the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to the Biomedical Journals” as approved by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), last updated in December 2014
(and retrieved on 30-12-2014). It has now enhanced the rules about the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Works in Medical Journals _
The ICMJE recommendations are recognized by PMDC and Higher Education Commission(HEC).
Authors are advised to read the instructions carefully, before submitting their manuscripts for publication.
A manuscript is considered for publication on the understanding that it has been submitted exclusively to JSOGP and nowhere else, not even in the past. Furthermore the material published in the journal, may not be reproduced later, without the written permission of the Editor- in-Chief of the journal.
This journal follows English spellings |
The material submitted may be as Original Research Articles which could be in the form of Randomized controlled trial (RCT), Meta analysis of RCT or other recognised forms of studies (about 2000-2500 words excluding abstract and references) with a structured abstract (upto 250 words) and 16 to 25 references. Clinical audit (with demonstrable benefit) of reasonable length, can also be accepted. Short Communications (upto 1000words) with a non structured abstract (up to 150 words) and 5-10 references, Review Articles(with 3000 to 3500 words) and from 35 to 50 references, Commentaries (up to 2000 words) and 15 to 20 references, Case Reports of academic and educational value (750 words) with 5 to 10 references and a non-structured abstract of about 100 words, clinical opinion, current controversy, symposium reviews or reports, education for learning and teaching, articles of historic interest and Letters to the Editor, etc.
The manuscript should be submitted Electronically through Open Journal system, in Microsoft (MS) word format including the supporting documents like, ethical approval letter from IRB and Undertaking.
The sentences should not start with a number or a figure. Past tense and third person form of addressing should be used and not me, I, he/she etc.
TITLE PAGE: the first page of all materials submitted must clearly give the Title of the article, as well as the Name of Author(s), their highest qualification and Institutional affiliation and must conform to the authorship entitlement as detailed after the end of these instructions. The corresponding author’s particulars should vividly show the designation, institutional affiliation, address, electronic and telephonic contact. Any grant or support should also be mentioned here. Any conflict of interest should be disclosed on this page.
ABSTRACT:for original articles the second page should contain a structured abstract of afore mentioned length. To avoid various instructional confusions, the abstract should be divided into the followingcomponents i.e.
- Objective (why was the study started)
- Design (how was it conducted)
- Place and Duration of study
- Methodology (what was done) which should include patients/subjects, interventions and major outcome measures
- Results(what was found) and
- Conclusion(s) (what did it mean)
Statistical methods used should also be given briefly in the abstract, however the details are not required in the abstract.
The Non-Structured abstracts are used for case reports or other manuscriptsas the case or subject specific statements.
KEY WORDS: three to ten words, in the form of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of Index Medicus, should be added at the end of the page of the Abstract, as well as after the Non-structured abstract.
Title must not have abbreviations(except units of measurements). In other places for the first usage of the word the whole word should precede the acronym (in parenthesis).
The Review articles can be classified as necessary, but the Original articles must include the following sections:
Introduction: should describe brief review of the topic and the purpose of the study.
Methodology: this can be sub classified into various sections, as and when applicable.
Statistical methods used should be given here in sufficient detail and any new procedures carried out, should be described well. The author should must provide the sampling techniques, sample size calculation method and data analysis plan to avoid further peer review/prolong review process. (original articles only). Before sending the Original article author should try to consult/onboard any biostatistician regarding the correct study design and other statistical method given above.
Results: The logical conclusions of the study must be mentioned and be emphasized upon and summarized by tables and or figures, which are referred to in the text.
Discussion: the views of the author(s) and the comments aught to be given here, supported by reference to other studies.
Conclusion(s):these take into consideration the problems which necessitated the study, inference drawn from the study and suggestions for further betterment or need for wider studies.
TABLES: they should not exceed 2-3 generally, but occasionally they may be 4.
Each table must be referred to in the text by its number, sequentially and be detailed on a separate sheet, numbered and arranged in the order in which it appears in the text. Every table should have its title, placed as a “Caption” above it after the number in Roman numericals. There should be no vertical rules in the tables.
FIGURES & ILLUSTRATION:these should not exceed 2, generally.
They should be referred to in the text sequentially, by their number and each is to be placed on a separate sheet. A brief description of it is given as a “Legend” under it, preceded by its number in Arabic numericals.
Detailed duplication of results given in tables and figures must not occur in the text of the manuscript.
Units of measurement: for reporting in the text they should be Conventional with System International (SI) units given in parenthesis. The names of drugs should be written in generic terminology.
Study limitations must be given.
In future, studies conducted more than 5 years ago, will not be accepted for publication in JSOGP but (in exceptional cases for valuable/informative studies up to 7 years old can be considered for publication).
As the patients and people have a right to privacy, written Informed Consent, for written, photographic, pedigree or any other form of scientific publication, must be obtained from the concerned subjects or their guardians (if applicable). A copy of this must accompany the manuscript submitted for publication in JSOGP, over and above its inclusion in the text of the article. In high risk cases the consent must be stated as __ High Risk Written Informed Consent.
To safe guard the rights and welfare of human subjects participating in biomedical research, ethical approval must be obtained for all manuscripts, based on general global codes of medical ethics, along with the consent of the Institutional Ethical Committee(s) of the concerned organization(s). All the ethical approval(s), in case of multicenter studies should accompany the manuscript in writing. The approval(s) must be accompanied by the Registration number(s)of the letter(s) of approval of trial/study, if available.
Disclosure form for any Conflict of Interest must accompany the manuscript.
Plagiarising the works of others in any form as one’s own is totally prohibited. The authors should therefore scrutinize the manuscript for any such act, before submission of manuscript to JSOGP. Appropriate quotations, references and citations must be provided for the material taken from other sources.
If any, should be given here.
The mode of references followed by JSOGP is that of Index Medicus, in accordance with the Vancouver Reference Style, including the punctuation.
The following web addresses can be logged on for various sources that can be used for reference/ citation purposes.
www. autrainingcitationvancouv.pdf note/ style.html (This is specific Vancouver guide to electronic references).
However the examples given below in sufficient detail will suffice the usual purpose of citation.
It is essential to note that the references are written in the text as superscripts in Arabic numericals and numbered consecutively in order in which they first appear. The number must be given even if the author (s) is/are named in a sentence. The original number assigned to the reference is reused each time the reference is cited in the text, regardless of its subsequent position. When multiple references are cited in a given place, commas are used, without space to separate each, but if the references are continuous, then a hyphen is used to connect the first with the last number, e.g……., but these remain experimental.2,3,4,10-15Please place the superscript reference number(s), outside the full stop and other stops, as shown in the example above. However, a reference may be relevant only to a part of a sentence, in which case the reference number(s) should come as a superscript after a particular part of the sentence, to which it pertains and the rest of the sentence should follow thereafter e.g….. polymerase chain reaction, 20-22but this remains experimental.
The reference list should appear at the end of the article, under a subtitle and the referencesshould be shown in the same sequence as they are cited in the text. They may be from various acceptable sources and be given in sufficient detail, so that they are traceable by the others. The page numbers should be written in full e.g. 163-166 and not 163-6. References of last 5 years should be given preferably,except for reviews or somerare or specific situations like historic background etc.
If there are more than six authors to be included in a reference, the names and initials of first six should be written, after which et al should follow.
For citing various types of references see the examples below:
Arslan M, Pata O, Dilek TU, Aktas A, Naidu M, Laika A, et al. Treatment of viable caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy, with suction curettage. Int J GynaecolObstet 2005;89:163-166.
For citing a chapter, as part of a book, to which various authors have contributed, see the example below:
Kodkany BS, Derman RA. Pitfalls in assessing blood loss and decision to transfer.In:B-Lynch CB, Keith LG, Lalonde AB, Karaoshi M, editors. A text book of postpartum haemorrhage.*Chapter 4.Dumfrieshire, UK: Sapiens Publishing ; 2006.p.35-45.
If there is an edition after the 1st , it can be mentioned as e.g. 2nded, after the title of the book. *
For other versions of book citation log on to
Jones L, Othman M, Dowswell T. Pain management of women in labour: an over view of systematic reviews. Chocrane Database Systematic Review 2012;3:CD009234. Available from doi:10.1002/14651858.CD009234.
Kay JG. Intercellular cytokine trafficking and phagocytosis in macrophages (Ph D thesis) St Lucia, Qld: University of Queensland; 2007.
An article based on dissertation of an organization (e.g. that of CPSP) if approved for publication in JSOGP, must have author’s Disclosure Form, referring to the approved Dissertation. Data of over 3 years is not acceptable for publication.
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region or WHO global, the ensuing example can be followed:
The OBSQUID PROJECT: Quality Development in Perinatal Care – Final Report. Copenhagen: World Health Organization, 1995.
Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS)2006-2007. The evaluation of Maternal Mortality Ratio, overall and its variations.
If there is a conference paperfrom a conference proceeding to be cited, following example can be useful:
Bengson S, Solhem B. Enforcement of data protection in medical informatics.Lun KC, Degoulet P, editors MEDINFO 92.Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Medical Informatics; 1992 Sept 6-10; Geneva, Switzerland, Elsevier; 1992 Dec.p.1561-1565.
It must however be noted that if the full paper (and not preliminary report was published in the conferences proceedings, written permission will have to be obtained from the concerned authorities for its reproduction,in order to avoid plagiarism.
For reference to Conference Proceeding log on to the web address www. autrainingcitationvancouv.pdf (p11).
Stedman`s medical dictionary.26th ed. Baltimore:Williams& Wilkins;1995.Aprexia;p.119-120.
Pregnancy taboos of Americans Sub –Arctic culture. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica 15th ed. Chicago, London, Geneva:Hellen Hemingway, publisher;1973-74. vol 1p.696.
Imran KAK. Yoga:Background and relief of menstrual molimena.The News2014 Jan 3:3.
Shadow of the black feathered serpent deity on the stairs of Temple Pyramid of Kuchican, at Chichenitza. Daily Times Magazine 2012,29th July to 14th Aug:
Pharmaceautical Society of Australia.Medicines and driving (pamphlet). Sydney: 1998.
Maya Royalties letting blood for continuation of fertility.TV Documentary. Discovery Channel;2012Dec 4(17:30-18:30 PST).
All other versions of these are available at www. (p1-15).
For information on citing electronic sources etc, please visit websites, such as www/, as well as the websites mentioned in the beginning of the section on references.
For some time, as yet, all these detailed citations will continue to appear both in the print version as well as on website of the journal, for the benefit of the authors.
Recommendations for Who is an Author? It is recommended that the authorship be based on the following 4 criteria: · Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data for the work. · Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content. · Final approval of the version to be published. · Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. In addition, the authors should be aware of the authorship contribution of co-authors and be confident about the integrity of their contributions. All authors should meet all 4 criteria. Other contributors to the article, who do not fit into these four criteria should be just acknowledged. |
Publication Charges [Back]
- After acceptance of the manuscript, author has to submit publication charges of Rs 18000 for the Original Article, etc. and Rs 4000 for the Review article, short Communication Case Reports, as decided by editorial board for handling and publication of manuscript.
- Account Title: Society of Obstetrician & Gynecologist of Pakistan (SOGP) SOGP
Account No: 00650011037703
Bank Name: Habib Bank Limited
Swift Code: HABBPKKA - 0007
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