Comparison of Manual Vacuum Aspiration Versus DNC in First Trimmer Pregnancy Failures in Terms of Efficacy and Safety at Peripheral Hospital Settings of Balochistan

  • Yasmin Fatima Assistant Professor of Obs /Gynae. Combined Military Hospital Zhob, Balochistan
  • Shazia Firdos Assistant Professor of Obs /Gynae Combined Military Hospital Gujranawala
  • Maria Sajid Senior Ex Registrar at Benazir Hospital Rawalpindi
Keywords: Dilatation and curettage, Early pregnancy failures, Manual vacuum aspiration


Objective: To compare the efficacy and safety of Manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) with dilatation and curettage (DNC) in the management of early pregnancy failures at tertiary care Hospital.

Methodology: This comparative study was conducted in the obstetrics and gynecology department of CMH Zhob from January 2018 to December 2018. A total of one hundred and twenty patients with pregnancy failures of <12 weeks (spontaneous miscarriages, missed abortion, incomplete miscarriages, blighted ovum) were included. Using a Random table these patients were assigned to MVA and DNC. Data was collected via study proforma and analysis was done by using SPSS version 20.

Results: A total of 120 patients were studied, the mean age of patients of the DNC group was 29.35+6.4 years, and the mean age of MVA group was 28.04+6.19 years (p= 0.296). The average time of procedure was significantly higher in DNC group as compared to MVA group (p=0.001). Average of Hospital stay was significantly lower in MVA group. Mean VAS was significantly higher among patients of DNC group 6.23+2.12 as compared to the MVA group as 3.22+2.13. Infection rate, cervical trauma and heavy bleeding were also significantly higher among patients of DNC group as compared to the MVA group (p=0.001). However RPOCs and uterine perforation were statistically insignificant among both groups, p-values were quite non-significant.

Conclusion: In this study, MVA was observed as reliable, safe, non-invasive and effective techniques as conventional dilatation and curettage for the treatment of early pregnancy failures in the first trimester.

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