Abnormal Semen Parameters and Association with Natural Conception

  • Faiza Suman Senior Registrar, Tertiary care Hospital Nishtar 2 Multan
  • Laiqa Hassan Consultant Gynaecologist, THQ hospital Fort Munro
  • Aeman javed Senior registrar, Multan Medical and Dental College, Multan
  • Naureen Khan House officer, Bakhtawar Amin Hospital, Multan
Keywords: Subfertility, Semen analysis, Subnormal parameters, Azoospermia


Objective: To evaluate the frequency of abnormal semen parameters in sub fertile subjects and association between semen parameters and spontaneous conception.

Methodology: This Cross-sectional study was conducted in Gynecology department of Nishtar Hospital, Multan from July 2019 to July 2020. Infertile couples from at least 12 months were selected for study. A team of gynecologist, andrologist and endocrinologist were assessed the couples. In male partner general physical examination, endocrine factor, genetic assessment, accessory gland infection, testicular dysfunction was evaluated. At the interval of two months semen analysis was taken and assessed according to WHO guidelines.

Results: Among the non-pregnant patients, the distribution of semen parameters was as follows: 9 (19.1%) had azoospermia, 6 (12.8%) had oligozoospermia, 6 (12.8%) had asthenozoospermia, and 2 (4.3%) had aspermia. Normospermia was observed in 21 (44.6%) of the non-pregnant patients. In contrast, among the spontaneously pregnant patients, 6 (26.1%) had azoospermia, 6 (26.1%) had oligozoospermia, 2 (8.7%) had asthenozoospermia, 7 (30.5%) had teratozoospermia, and 1 (4.3%) had aspermia. Only one patient (4.3%) in the spontaneously pregnant group had normospermia.

Conclusion: There is possibility of spontaneous conception even with semen parameters below WHO recommended cut off values. Our findings support the discussion about redefining reference values on healthy fertile men.

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